Friday, August 19, 2011

The next IOTA DXpedition

I'm pleased to announce that my next IOTA DXpedition will be to Bremer Island OC-185 on April 18 to 23 2012 and the antenna will be a Spiderbeam 10-15-20 tribander on a 10m Spiderbeam mast.

When we were living in Townsville in north Queensland it was a great launching base for doing four DXpeditions to three different VK4 IOTA’s as VK4LDX/P:
  • Fitzroy Island OC-172 (October 2010)
  • Magnetic Island OC-171 (December 2010)
  • Horn Island OC-138 (March 2011)
  • Magnetic Island OC-171 (April 2011)
Now that we've moved back to Alice Springs, Northern Territory I'm looking forward to operating from a VK8 IOTA. 


  1. Hi Craig, hope preparations are all going well. Just sorry I won't be home in time to work you from VK8. I'll keep an eye out and see if I hear you from VK0/M. Envy you mate. best of luck.
    Trevor - VK0TH

  2. Hi Trevor

    Yes hoping for some big pile ups, although they won't be as big as yours on Macquarie!

    Hope to see you on the bands mate :)

    Craig - VK8BI
